(Re)Sources: Historical Inquiry and Labour History Archives. Research School of Social Sciences Building (Building #146, Ellery Crescent), ANU, Canberra, on 23-25 November 2023

(Re)Sources: Historical Inquiry and Labour History Archives. Research School of Social Sciences Building (Building #146, Ellery Crescent), ANU, Canberra, on 23-25 November 2023
The ASSLH’s 18th Biennial Conference: (Re)Sources: Historical Inquiry and Labour History Archives, will be held at the Research School of Social Sciences Building (Building #146, Ellery Crescent), ANU, Canberra, on 23-25 November 2023. The ASSLH (ACT) invites historians, activists and professionals in the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) sector to present papers on sources and […]