Labour History No. 120 – May 2021

Abstracts                    Full-Text

Thomas Carlyle and the Australasian Labour Movement
Alexander Jordan

The New Zealand Northern Drivers’ Union: Trade Union Anti-Racism Work, 1937–80
Cybèle Locke

Labor, the External Affairs Power and the Rights of Aborigines
David Lee

“Our Side of the Story”: The Political Memoirs of the Rudd–Gillard Labor Cabinet
Joshua Black

“Part of What We Thought and Felt”: Antifascism, Antisemitism and Jewish Connections with the New Theatre
Max Kaiser and Lisa Milner

The Radical Arm of the Welfare Lobby: A History of the Victorian Coalition Against Poverty and Unemployment (CAPU), 1980–1991
Philip Mendes

The Palimpsest of Welfarism: Enduring Layers of Paternalism in a New Zealand Industry Town
Fiona Hurd and Suzette Dyer

Engineers and Social Engineering: Professional/Trade Unions and Social Mobility
Hannah Forsyth and Michael P. R. Pearson


Terry Irving, The Fatal Lure of Politics: The Life and Thought of Vere Gordon Childe (Peter Beilharz)

Sean Scalmer, Democratic Adventurer: Graham Berry and the Making of Australian Politics (Terry Irving)

Liam Byrne, Becoming John Curtin and James Scullin: The Making of the Modern Labor Party, 1876–1921 (Paul Strangio)

Catherine Bond, Law in War: Freedom and Restriction in Australia during the Great War (Xavier Fowler)

Jacqueline Kent, Vida: A Woman of Our Time (Judith Smart)

Peter Browne and Seamus Spark, eds, I Wonder: The Life and Work of Ken Inglis (Michael McKernan)

Richard Allsop, Geoffrey Blainey: Writer, Historian, Controversialist (Robert Pascoe)

Peter Edwards, Law, Politics and Intelligence: A Life of Robert Hope (David Horner)

John Fahey, Traitors and Spies: Espionage and Corruption in High Places in Australia, 1901–50 (Justin T. McPhee)

Justin T. McPhee, Spinning the Secrets of State: Politics and Intelligence in Australia (Christopher Waters)

Catrine Clay, The Good Germans: Resisting the Nazis, 1933–1945 (Andrew G. Bonnell)

Ryan S. Pettengill, Communists and Community: Activism in Detroit’s Labor Movement, 1941–1956 (John Tully)

Aaron J. Leonard, The Folk Singers and the Bureau: The FBI, the Folk Artists and the Suppression of the Communist Party, USA 1939–1956 (Braham Dabscheck)

Mark Edele, Debates on Stalinism (Lewis H. Siegelbaum)

Anne Scrimgeour, On Red Earth Walking: The Pilbara Aboriginal Strike, Western Australia 1946–1949 (Jan Richardson)

Anthony O’Donnell, Inventing Unemployment: Regulating Joblessness in Twentieth-Century Australia (Janet McCalman)

Jenny Hocking, The Palace Letters;
Paul Kelly and Troy Bramston, The Truth of the Palace Letters: Deceit, Ambush and Dismissal in 1975 (Paul Rodan)


Val Noone, Dorothy Day in Australia (Ellen Smiddy)

Salvatore (Ted) D’Urso, Outlook Critical: Essays on My Political Journey (Rowan Cahill)

Iola Mathews with Race Mathews, Australian Fabians: A Brief History (Stephen Holt)