Labour History No. 108 – May 2015

LH 108 cover May 2015

View Abstracts

Australian Women Journalists and the “Pretence of Equality”
Jeannine Baker

“Nowhere Else to Work”: Advertising and the Left in Australia
Jackie Dickenson

Women’s Work: The Professionalisation and Policing of Fortune-Telling in Australia
Alana Piper

Juveniles as Human Capital: Re-evaluating the Economic Value of Juvenile Male Convict Labour
Cameron Nunn

Unemployment in a Time of Full Employment: Counting and Regulating Worklessness in Mid-Twentieth Century Australia
Anthony O’Donnell

“We Never Recovered”: The Social Cost of the 1951 New Zealand Waterfront Dispute
Grace Millar

Constructing a Socialist Community: The Victorian Socialist Party, Ritual, Pedagogy, and the Subaltern Counterpublic
Liam Byrne

The “Necessity” of a Socially Homogeneous Population: The Ruling Class Embraces Racial Exclusion
Phil Griffiths

Black-Bans and Black Eyes: Implications of the 1971 Springbok Rugby Tour
Nick Scott


Two Lives, One Sheet of Paper and the “Great War”: A Moment in the Lives of Doris and Maurice Blackburn
Carolyn Rasmussen

Exhibiting the Sex Industry: Sex Work as Work in the Australian Capital Territory
Rowan Henderson


Fighting against War: Peace Activism in the Twentieth Century: The 14th National Labour History Conference, 11–13 February 2015, University of Melbourne
Val Noone


Cal Winslow, ed., E. P. Thompson and the Making of the New Left: Essays and Polemics (Terry Irving)

Alice Kessler-Harris, A Difficult Woman: The Life and Times of Lillian Hellman (Desley Deacon)

Val Noone and Rachel Naughton, eds, Daniel Mannix: His Legacy (Ian Breward)

Babette Smith, The Luck of the Irish: How a Shipload of Convicts Survived the Wreck of the Hive to Make a New Life in Australia (David Andrew Roberts)

Nathan Wise, Anzac Labour: Workplace Cultures in the Australian Imperial Force during the First World War (Jeffrey Grey)

Erik-Jan Zürcher, ed., Fighting for a Living: A Comparative History of Military Labour 1500–2000 (Nathan Wise)

John S. Ahlquist and Margaret Levi, In the Interest of Others: Organizations and Social Activism (Rowan Cahill)

Andrew Scott, Northern Lights: The Positive Policy Example of Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway (Braham Dabscheck)

John Tully, Silvertown: The Lost Story of a Strike that Shook London and Helped Launch the Modern Labor Movement (Neville Kirk)

Andrew Reeves and Andrew Dettmer, eds, Organise, Educate, Control: The AMWU in Australia, 1852–2012 (Peter Sheldon)

Sheila Cohen, Notoriously Militant: The Story of a Union Branch (John Tully)

Jeffrey Steven Kahana, The Unfolding of American Labor Law: Judges, Workers and Public Policy Across Two Political Generations, 1790–1850 (Braham Dabscheck)

Leon Fink, Joseph A. McCartin and Joan Sangster, eds, Workers in Hard Times: A Long View of Economic Crises (Ray Markey)

Michael Golay, America 1933: The Great Depression, Lorena Hickok, Eleanor Roosevelt and the Shaping of the New Deal (Elizabeth Kirkby)

David Horner, The Spy Catchers: The Official History of ASIO, 1949–1963, vol. 1 (David McKnight)

Damien Cahill, The End of Laissez-Faire? On the Durability of Embedded Neoliberalism (Rick Kuhn)

Deborah Hart, Arthur Boyd: Agony and Ecstasy (Kosmas Tsokhas)

Craig Campbell and Helen Proctor, A History of Australian Schooling (Tony Taylor)

Marion Maddox, Taking God to School: The End of Australia’s Egalitarian Education? (Tony Taylor)


John Rainford, Paul Benedek, John Reynolds, Radical Wollongong (John Hughes)


Philip Mendes, Jews and the Left: The Rise and Fall of a Political Alliance

Rejoinder, Larry Stillman