
Honours Theses held in the Department of Industrial Relations, University of Sydney

Below we list those honours theses held in the Dept. of Industrial Relations at Sydney University which may be of interest to historians of the labour movement. Further details may be obtained from Mr. Greg Patmore (692 3106).

“The Split – a partial history of the Public Service Association with special reference to Clerical Officers” (V. Gasden, 1976)

“Faction fighting in the N.S.W. Branch of the Miscellaneous Workers’ Union, 1945-1955”
(M. Green, 1980)

“Struggles for Shorter Hours” (C. Hardie, 1978)

“An examination of the role of the A.C.T.U. during the period of Japanese aggression: December 1941 to January 1943” (G.T. Hill, 1982)

“Industrial Group Activity in the Newcastle region, with particular reference to the Federated Ironworkers’ Association, Miners’ Federation and Trades Hall Council” (C.J. Morgan, 1981)

“Scabs, Loyalists and Cuckoos. A study of the N.S.W. Branch of the National Union of Railwaymen, 1917 to 1946” (G.E. Patmore, 1978)

“Arbitration, 1918-1933”. (R. Pearce, 1978)

“Wages and the Depression, 1929-1935” (P. Sheldon, 1977)

“The Rationalization of Arbitration, 1925-1931” (S. Sheldon, 1981)

“An historical analysis of the shearing community and orgranisation in N.S.W., 1830-1895” (M. Walton, 1978)

Further lists will appear in forthcoming issues of The Hummer.