Labour History Events: Len Fox Talk / State Library Exhibition / Petrov Affair
Surry Hills ALP: A Branch History
Forthcoming Conferences: E.J. Hobsbawm / Marxist Summer School
The Early History of the N.S.W. Operative Bakers’ Society 1863 – 1912
Forthcoming Publication: Drew Cottle (ed.), Capital Essays
Honours Theses held in the Department of Industrial Relations, University of Sydney
Book Reviews
Bill Ford and David Plowman: Australian Unions. An Industrial Relations Perspective
Frank Cain, The Origins of Poliltical Surveillance in Australia
E.L. Wheelwright & K. Buckley (eds): Essays in the Political Economy of Australian Capitalism vol.5
Garry Wotherspoon: Sydney’s Transport. Studies in Urban History
B.W. Head (ed): State and Economy in Australia