A Personal Invitation to all Hummer readers … to contribute to a forthcoming Register of Australian Labour Biography

John Shields and Andrew Moore

In July 1989 four historians at Macarthur Institute, Andrew Moore, John O’Hara, Robert Lee and Drew Cottle were successful in obtaining research funds to work towards the completion of a register of Australian labour biography 1788 -1975. Recently denounced in Commonwealth Parliament by a Liberal MP as a wicked waste of public moneys, the project must be a good idea!

At the moment the project is just getting underway and many years of hard work lie ahead.

The intention, of course, is not to simply replicate the excellent work that has already been done by the ADB or the various parliamentary registers. While some, perhaps many, well- known faces will appear, it is hoped to bring to life and record for posterity the careers of a number of individuals from all spheres of the labour movement who are not in any sense ‘household names’.

Now every Hummer reader must know the names of people who have been thrown into the garbage bin of history. And it was always intended that the project should work through the labour history society network. (The affinity between the project and the Society is typified by the appointment of John Shields, treasurer of the federal branch and secretary of the Sydney branch as the project’s national research co-ordinator, commencing October). So please put your thinking caps on and write to John or Andrew Moore with a list of people who you think ought to be included. If possible please indicate relevant sources of information: obituaries, or other references. The address is, as ever,

School of Arts & General Studies
Macarthur Institute of Higher Education
PO Box 555