
Labour History Comes to Sydney

In Canberra on the 28th February, the National Executive of the Australian Society for. the study of Labour History e1ected Ken Buckley as secretary and Greg Patmore as Treasurer. The National Executive also appointed Ken as Editor and Greg as Associate Editor of Labour History.

These appointments initiate the transference of the national headquarters to Sydney. After years of doing a tremendous job, the National Executive was concerned with pending retirements and declining resources. Following approaches to several possible homes for LABOUR HISTORY, Sydney University offered a half time administrative officer to assist the Society. The National Executive accepted this offer and commenced the transfer of Labour History from the Australian. National University to Sydney University.

The transfer will occur gradually throughout 1986, though all correspondence concerning Labour History should now be directed to the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History, c/- Department of Economic History, University of Sydney, 2006. Barbara Dale commenced her duties as administrative officer at the University of Sydney from 3rd March, 1986.

A General Meeting of subscribers to Labour History will be held in July to elect a new National Executive. The Executive will then elect an editorial board for Labour History. By the end of the year all activities should be transferred to Sydney.

For Hummer subscribers, the Sydney Branch of the Society will continue to produce HUMMER and convene forums on labour history.