THE HUMMER Vol. 14, No. 2 – 2020


‘They should have never sent my dad down there’: Workplace Death, Families and Criminal Justice
Michael Quinlan, Lynda Matthews and Philip Bohle

Rural Mobilisation: Farmers, Wheatlumpers and Industrial Conflict in NSW and Victoria, 1908 to the 1917 General Strike
Warwick Eather and Drew Cottle

One Hundred Years of the CPA
Stuart Macintyre

Ann Symonds (1939–2018): an Appreciation
Hilary Golder and Deirdre Hyslop

Jack Mundey (1929–2020): Catalyst for Union Change
Meredith Burgmann

Terry Irving, The Fatal Lure of Politics: the life and times of Vere Gordon Childe
Rodney Cavalier

A Movement That Sings (Will Never Die)
Danny Blackman

Bulletin Board

Cover Image:

The Rocks Green Ban, Playfair St, The Rocks 24 October 1973,
Jack Mundey and Meredith Burgmann
(In background John Clare, Nelly Leonard, John Cox and Peter Wright)
Source: Sydney Morning Herald, courtesy Meredith Burgmann.