Many of us who live in Sydney regularly walk past the Anzac Memorial in Hyde Park. The first article in this issue, by Sarah Gregson, discusses its significance and controversial history. We learn that there were various proposals for the site, among which was the inclusion of a swimming pool! In addition to the issue of whether the memorial would serve such a “utilitarian” purpose, the article discusses the questions of control over the site, the symbolism of the design, and its focus as a place of both remembrance and protest.
At one level, the second contribution, by Barbara Lynch and Sandra Sellick, tells us of the life of early 20th century labour activist Lena Lynch. The intent of the article, however, is also to warn of some potential pitfalls of genealogical research. Recollections of family, with some support in published sources, told one story about Lena. However, a check of official records throws considerable doubt on what the family “knew”. Given the popularity of genealogy, we see that it pays to be cautious – and check. My sincere thanks to Rosemary Webb for her editorial work on this item.
The next items are contributed by Danny Blackman. First, in the centenary year of the Great Strike of 1917, Danny outlines some of the commemorative activities in various locations and supported by a range of organisations, that mark this occasion. Readers’ attention is drawn in particular both to the 1917: Strike! show, and to the Merv Flanagan Appeal. This is followed by an introduction and the lyrics to three songs related to the Great Strike. Danny has also identified a number of suitable photographs for this issue. The Hummer gratefully acknowledges the assistance of Neale Towart and Linda Carruthers from Unions NSW, Roger Jowett of the 1917 Centenary Commemoration Committee and PP Cranney and Christina Mimmocchi of the 1917: Strike show in providing material and information for this issue.
We hope to have a special issue of The Hummer out soon devoted primarily to the Great Strike.
The final item is a tribute to Brian Dunnett, a noted political and union activist, by Roger Jowett, former National Secretary of Brian’s union, the Rail Tram and Bus Union (RTBU), with material from Pam and Tony Hawkins and Beverly Symons.
As Editor, I would like to acknowledge the assistance of Danny Blackman, Sue Tracey and Rosemary Webb in producing this issue. They know how helpful they have been!
Finally, Sue Tracey has stepped down after long service as Secretary and but remains as Treasurer of the Sydney Branch. On behalf of the Branch, I would like to thank her for the time and effort she has put into our activities, and her unfailing energy and enthusiasm.
Jim Kitay
Editor, The Hummer