As a member (individual or organisation) you are supporting an organisation that encourages teaching and research in the field of labour history, and seeks to make history a vital part of popular consciousness. The Federal Society pursues these goals by:
- publishing (twice a year) the journal Labour History which offers fully-refereed articles, reports, book reviews, and news of events related to labour history
- awarding prizes for outstanding articles written in the field of labour history
- organising regular talks through the Business and Labour History Group, University of Sydney
- sponsoring a biennial national conference
- holding Annual General Meetings and dinners
- maintaining this website
- providing the opportunity to make contacts with others who share your interest in labour history
Membership also gives you the right to attend, and vote at, ASSLH’s Annual General Meeting. The cost is $15 for individuals or $30 for organisations.
You can join/renew online through the button below.If you are already a member of the federal body, you will have a profile setup in the system. Click on the button below and go to ‘Already a member? Login’. Then enter your email address and you will be sent an email with a password reset link. Clicking on the link will take you to set your password. Once a password is set, you will be redirected to your memberships for the Society. If you have any problems with setting passwords on member accounts contact us for help
Please note: Those who join any one of ASSLH’s branches automatically become members of the Federal Society and can vote at its Annual General Meeting. In other words, branch members don’t need to join the Federal Society.
So, if you are interested in the history of your local region and wish to meet others like yourself, please consider joining one of our branches (which includes membership in the federal society). Branches often provide:
- regular meetings to discuss events connected to labour history, often with an emphasis on the local area
- talks and seminars by those who have either researched or participated in various aspects of the labour movement
- publications, both bulletins and occasional books
- sponsorship of an annual scholarship to assist an honours student undertaking a thesis in the broad area of labour history
- an annual dinner.
Those wishing to become branch members should visit the appropriate branch website.