The Great Strike 1917 online at the Laborfest film festival

Film – The GREAT STRIKE 1917 (2018; 69 minutes)

Friday 30 July, 11am Australian Eastern Standard Time. Free.
About the film:
The director, Amanda King, and the producer, Fabio Cavadini, will be present to introduce the film and participate in a Q&A. To this day, the Great Strike of 1917 is still Australia’s largest industrial upheaval. The story of the Strike has long been dormant in archives, and is now re-told with original film footage from the era by documentarian Amanda King.

Sydney, 1917: Thousands had joined protest marches through the streets, the government recruited volunteers to break the strike, issuing some of them with guns; unions were deregistered and union leaders charged with conspiracy. It was a time of violent emotions, state violence and individual acts of violence by and against strikers. A striker, Mervyn Flanagan, was shot and killed.

 With the introduction of a new ‘timecard’ system, known as Scientific Management or Taylorism, originating from the United States, transport workers stopped work, triggering the strike.

The documentary examines the industrial, social and political context of a struggle that had lasting consequences for the labour movement in Australia. Personal stories and legacies filtered through generations of families for years to come, reflecting on the fight for decent conditions and fair treatment in the workplace, which still strongly resonate today
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The event is finished.


Jul 30 2021


11:00 am - 1:00 pm

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ASSLH & Labour History Office

Carl Power
Faculty of Law
Lev 15, UTS Central (CB02)
University of Technology Sydney
Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
Tel. 0415 191 715

Note: Please don’t send review books to the office. Instead contact the Review Editors, Bobbie Oliver and Nathan Wise.

Our homepage cover image is from the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy SEARCH Foundation. Item 0034: Tribune negatives including May Day march, May 1974 / photographed by Anne.

Logo created by Sam Wallman.

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