Journal Cover

Journal Launch

Launch of Capitalism: New Histories from Australia, a special issue of Labour History, edited by Hannah Forsyth and Sophie Loy-Wilson.

Please join us via Zoom on Thursday 3 March, 5–6pm (AEDT) for the launch of Hannah Forsyth’s and Sophie Loy-Wilson’s editedcollection, Capitalism: New Histories from Australia, a special issue of Labour History ( 

The collection will be launched by Frank Bongiorno, who is Professor of History, ANU, the author of many notable works of Australian history, and a frequent voice on radio and in print media on diverse topics of national importance.

Hannah (ACU) and Sophie (University of Sydney) have combined their expertise to bring new voices to the forefront in this compilation ofessays critically exploring capitalism’s history.

This launch will be the first of several events we have planned for Labour History’s 60th Anniversary Year.

To join the online launch, please email Carl Power

The event is finished.


Mar 03 2022


5:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Australian Society for the Study of Labour History,


QR Code

ASSLH & Labour History Office

Carl Power
Faculty of Law
Lev 15, UTS Central (CB02)
University of Technology Sydney
Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
Tel. 0415 191 715

Note: Please don’t send review books to the office. Instead contact the Review Editors, Bobbie Oliver and Nathan Wise.

Our homepage cover image is from the Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales and Courtesy SEARCH Foundation. Item 0034: Tribune negatives including May Day march, May 1974 / photographed by Anne.

Logo created by Sam Wallman.

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