Harold Peden Lecture: A Just Transition – lessons from a living process
Alex Cassie is a former Political and Community Organiser at the AMWU WA, and before that was an Australian diplomat, including as a negotiator at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. She will speak about her experience organising the first three years of the Just Transition Plan for Collie. The lecture is an annual event hosted by the Australian Society for the Study of Labour History for more details about the Society and Harold Peden, see here). Please RSVP with details below for this lecture on Tuesday 22th November. Light refreshments will be available from 6:00 pm and the address will commence at 6:30 pm. The Working Voices Choir will do a performance. You can download the flyer here.
The event will also feature:
- The Working Voices Choir
- The Launch of Western Worker no. 11
- A Bookstall by Interventions Press

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