The ASSLH’s 18th Biennial Conference: (Re)Sources: Historical Inquiry and Labour History Archives, will be held at the Research School of Social Sciences Building (Building #146, Ellery Crescent), ANU, Canberra, on 23-25 November 2023.
The ASSLH (ACT) invites historians, activists and professionals in the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) sector to present papers on sources and archives, how they use them, the challenges they face, and the possibilities they see. Papers that reflect the presenter’s experience and practice with particular archives are welcome, as are papers on their discipline as a whole.
The conference theme ‘(Re)Sources: Historical Inquiry and Labour History Archives’ offers scope for papers on a range of subjects. In particular, presenters may consider reflections on:
- Competing voices in the archives
- Activist archives
- Resourcing, technology and access to archives
- Collecting the Contemporary: benefits and limitations of digital archives
- The built and living environment and their part in labour history
- Union and business archives
- Small organisations and community record keeping
- Historical collections and emerging trends in inquiry
- The odds, ends, and ephemerals of Labour History
- Exploring the past through communities, collections, exhibitions, and local stories
Abstract Submission (Due 15 June 2023)
Papers will be assigned 20 minutes, followed by questions. If you would like to suggest a panel, please get in touch with the organisers below.
Please submit your abstract of 150-200 words here, plus a short bio.
You can download this CFP as a PDF here.