
Labour History No. 74 – May 1998


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Melanie Oppenheimer
Voluntary Work and Labour History

Joanne Scott
Voluntary Work as Work? Some Implications for Labour History

Grace Karskens
Death was in his Face: Dying, Burial and Remembrance in Early Sydney

David Kent and Norma Townsend
Some Aspects of Colonial Marriage: a Case Study of the Swing Protesters

David Sampson
‘The Nature and Effects Thereof Were… by Each of Them Understood’: Aborigines, Agency, Law and Power in the 1867 Gurnett Contract

Tim Rowse
The People and Their Experts: a War-Inspired Civics for H.C. Coombs

L.J. Louis
The RSL and the Cold War 1946-50

Andrew Moore
Fascism Revived? The Association Stands Guard, 1947-52

Kevin Blackburn
The Quest for Efficiency and the Rise of Industrial Psychology in Australia 1916-29

Robert Tierney
The Pursuit of Serviceable Labour in Australian Capitalism: the Economic and Political Contexts of Immigration Policy in the Early Fifties, with Particular Reference to Southern Italians.