
Journal Contents No. 51


Colonial Women’s Employment as seen by Nineteenth-Century Statisticians and Twentieth-Century Economic Historians
Katrina Alford

Job Classification and Women Workers: Institutional Practices, Technological Change and the Conciliation and Arbitration System, 1907-72
Laura Bennett

Manning the Machines: Women in the Furniture Industry, 1920-1960
Chilla Bulbeck

Children and the State: Child Welfare in New South Wales, 1890-1915
Robert van Krieken

Tom Mann, R. S. Ross and Evolutionary Socialism in Broken Hill, 1902-1912: Alternative Social Darwinism in the Australian Labour Movement
John Laurent

Mr Lang’s Dole: The Administration of Food Relief in New South Wales, 1930-1932
Robin Walker

The Red Shire of Kearsley, 1944-1947: Communists in Local Government
Martin Mowbray


The Australian Society for the Study of Labour History- Sixteenth General Meeting


Ron Neale
T G. Parsons

Book Reviews

Verity Burgmann, ‘In our Time’.. Socialism and the Rise of Labor, 1885-1905 (Daphne Gollan)

Ann Stephen and Andrew Reeves, Badges of Labour, Banners of Pride (Peter Love)

H.O. Browning, 1975 Crisis. An Historical View (Ken Fry)

Constance Larmour, Labor Judge. The Life and Times of Judge Alfred William Foster (Edna Ryan)

Amirah Inglis, Lloyd Edmonds. Letters from Spain (Betty Searle)

Ross Moore, Sam Byrne. Folk Painter of the Silver City (Tony Convey)

Colleen Heath and Chilla Bulbeck, Shadow of the Hill (Lenore Layman)

David Dunstan, Governing the Metropolis. Politics, Technology and Social Change in a Victorian City. Melbourne, 1850-1891 (T. G. Parsons)

Janet McCalman, Struggletown. Public and Private Lzfe in Richmond 1900-1965 (John Knott)

Francis G. Castles, The Working Class and Weffiare (Rob Watts)

Andrew Markus and M. C. Ricklefs, Surrender Australia? Essays in the Study and Uses ofHistory: Geoffrey Blainey and Asian Immigration. R. M. Crawford, Manning Clark and Geoffrey Blainey, Making History (W G. Craven)